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StableCrete Projects

The following is a brief list of locations where StableCrete™ has been applied. Contact us for more information.

Waterproofing of 40+ year old Water Tanks

Project Typical Testing on Concrete Wall

Owner ConselcoR Post Application

Contractor Testing conducted by ConselcoR, Inc.

Use: Red tint StableCrete applied within Blue taped boundaries. Runoff down the wall is noticeable. 24 hours after application water is introduced to protected surface and untreated area on the left. Observe water being absorbed into untreated concrete on left and below in areas where StableCrete was not evenly applied. Red tinted product is used on larger surface areas to enable Quality Control personnel to have a visual indication of the application without testing all concrete surfaces. Tint fades out with UV exposure or is easily washed off with water.

Waterproofing of 40+ year old Water Tanks

Project Waterproofing of 40+-year-old Water Tanks

Owner City of Palm Bay Florida

Contractor Tim VanDeventer, City Staff

Use: Forty-plus year old water tanks with leakage at cold joints in original pour, Efflorescence and constant peeling paint problems. Mechanical abrasion and efflorescence remover was used to obtain complete removal of salts, followed by a high-pressure wash of affected surfaces to obtain neutral pH values. Red tinted StableCrete applied with back rolling to insure full depth penetration into crack interiors. Backroll also manages sheet flow to prevent loss of product when applying to vertical or overhead areas.

Unidentified Tank Wall

Project Unidentified Tank Wall

Owner Municipality

Contractor Testing conducted by ConselcoR, Inc.

Use: Leak check of tank wall demonstrates an area of wall overlooked when StableCrete was applied. The left and right sides received proper application while the center shows water penetration through concrete at lift locations that did not receive proper vibration/consolidation during construction. Acid testing of surfaces confirmed no application to the center area. Red tinted product was not used therefore, there was no visual indication of treated surfaces until the tank was filled. Several construction days lost to drain and reacclimate tank wall for proper application of the product before backfilling operations commenced. The retest of the area revealed no penetration of tank water to the wall exterior.

Mediera Beach Yacht Club Seawall

Project Madeira Beach Yacht Club Seawall

Owner MBYC Condominium Association

Contractor In house maintenance personnel

Use: Newly poured concrete seawall cap experienced shrinkage cracking immediately after completion. Premature hydration and construction methods caused cracking to the depth of rebar allowing seawater to penetrate. StableCrete applied to all exposed surfaces with special emphasis to saturate crack to waterproof crack interiors as well as surfaces. Preventing high chloride content seawater from reaching rebar depth causing corrosion cell formation on steel. Water absorption tests at crack locations demonstrate a penetrating effect deep into cracks.

Testing and Visual Inspection of Nine Year Old Tank

Project Testing and Visual Inspection of Nine Year Old Tank

Owner Undisclosed at the owners' request

Contractor ConselcoR, Inc.

Use: Visual inspection and basic petrographic test to exterior surfaces of a nine-year-old Wire Wound Pre-Stressed Tank at the customers' request. Two each 2MG clarifiers in service continuously since 2000. Obvious signs of corrosion bleed through/discoloration to all tank surfaces. Several spalls of wire corroding with rust stains at multiple locations. Samples indicated a pH of 5, 3250 ppm Chlorides and unmeasured Sulphuric Acid content. Shotcrete material was not waterproofed at the time of construction. The contractor relied on conventional coating for protection. Tanks located 20 feet from open digester with wind-driven Hydrogen Sulfide being deposited on surfaces by prevailing winds. Immediate repairs recommended to arrest corrosion, restore pH levels and waterproof all exposed surfaces before new coating application. Re-Inspection schedule established to monitor repairs.

Launch Pad 39B Restoration, Kennedy Space Center, Florida

Project Launch Pad 39B Restoration, Kennedy Space Center, Florida

Owner N.A.S.A., United Space Alliance, Reynolds Smith & Hills, Inc.

Contractor Iveys Construction/H.I.S. Painting, Dave Heyne (321) 385-9155

Use: Application to launchpad surface. Restoration, Kennedy Space Center, Florida. StableCrete was chosen as the migrating, corrosion-inhibiting coating for concrete surfaces of crawler way, catacomb roof, and Launchpad. These surfaces had been exposed to hydrochloric acid which is a by-product of propellant exhaust and water from the noise suppression system. Moisture had carried calcium a depth of four-plus feet to the catacomb roof below and stalactites were being formed on the roof surfaces creating a hazard for workmen in the area.

Sherwin-Williams Hi-Mil Sher-Tar Epoxy applied to crawler way surface after StableCrete application.

Stable Crete applied to cure and retard vapor emissions. Veterans Administration Hospital, Port Charlotte, Florida

Project Veterans Administration Hospital, Port Charlotte, Florida

Owner Dooley & Mack Contractors, Richard Jones (914) 921-4636

Contractor Harvard Jolly Clees Toppe, St. Petersburg, Florida

Use: Application to entire concrete slab floor at the cool down stage of hydration to prevent groundwater vapor from transfer through slab before installation of a rubber floor system on completion of the job. 80,000 square feet in initial pour without a single crack, followed by flooring installation after ASTM 2170 confirmed a relative humidity of less than 70% in the concrete matrix.

StableCrete stops chloride contamination from the ocean. Cinnamon Beach Condominium, Palm Coast, Florida

Project Cinnamon Beach Condominium, Palm Coast, Florida

Owner Centex Destination Properties

Contractor Ralph Smith Architect for Centex Homes

Use: Application to green concrete in the construction of eleven six-story oceanfront buildings. On direct oceanfront buildings, StableCrete was applied as a waterproofer and corrosion inhibitor. The application was made by a concrete sub-contractor approximately 24 hours after pour was completed. The product reaction inside the concrete matrix left no film formed on the surface and also served as an evaporation retarder allowing for more complete interior hydration of the concrete. Several hundred thousand square feet of concrete floors with negligible shrinkage cracking have been poured to date. In addition to preventing intrusion of chlorides from the ocean-borne salt mist, the pH of the concrete surrounding the reinforcing steel is kept high preserving the passivating layer on the steel.

StableCrete applied to shotcrete surfaces to waterproof. Fleming Island WWTP, Clay County, FL

Project Fleming Island WWTP, Clay County, FL

Owner Clay County Utilities, David Bolam, P.E.

Contractor North Beach Engineers. Jacksonville, Heather Baxter, P.E.

Use: Application to influent structure and chlorine contact chambers after restoration. Treatment of new concrete on aeration tank, clarifier tank and chlorine contact chambers after construction.

StableCrete waterproofing of top deck and parking garage. Phoenix Towers Condominium, Singer Island, Florida

Project Phoenix Towers Condominium, Singer Island, Florida

Owner Old Port Cove Management, Dianne Fordering (561) 626-3100

Contractor A.T. Designs, Tim Marshall, P.E. (561) 881-7280

Use: Applied to a poured concrete roof deck after the concrete restoration was completed. Waterproofed a 25-year-old deck area used as tennis courts above the parking garage below. Chlorides were detected throughout the entire structure and the decision to apply StableCrete to the top surface and repairs accomplished during this repair was made to slow the corrosion process that had already begun.

Waterproofing the top surface at this stage did stop further water intrusion however future repairs will be needed as the active corrosion cells continue to compromise the already salt-laden concrete matrix. (Project was re-inspected five-plus years later in November of 2006 with positive testing for a waterproof surface and minor surface spall repair needed. Thru repairs were underway and included bottom mat as well as vertical support columns which were then failing due to continued corrosion. (Owner advised at this time to consider the installation of an impressed cathodic system to salvage the structure.)

Evaporation retarder and cure/densifier all concrete floors and elevated decks. Ocean Hammock Condominium. Palm Coast, Florida

Project Ocean Hammock Condominium. Palm Coast, Florida

Owner Centex Homes (407) 661-2212

Contractor Ralph Smith

Use: Application to all concrete surfaces being constructed for a 116-unit oceanfront project. The product specified as a corrosion inhibitor and waterproofing sealer to stop chloride penetration and carbonation of new concrete. All subsequent floor covering, paint and tile installations were accomplished with no further preparation of these surfaces except a mild detergent wash to remove surface contaminate from construction activities.

Interior coatings have superior performance with StableCrete applied. City of Melbourne ~ Re-Inspection 2 years

Project Grant Street WWTP, Melbourne, FL

Owner City of Melbourne

Contractor Mr. George Varall

Use: Re-inspection of clarifier, two and one-half years after StableCrete application before coal tar coating. The coating still looks brand new. No degradation of shotcrete which has come in contact with effluent due to pinholes/construction damage to the coating and excellent adhesion of coal tar product to the treated surface.

Application prevents ground water penetration to underground structures. David B. Lee WWTP, City of Melbourne, Florida

Project David B. Lee WWTP, City of Melbourne, Florida

Owner Wharton Smith, Inc., Jupiter, Florida (561) 745-9277

Contractor Hazen Sawyer, Hollywood, Florida Shajan Joykutty, P.E.

Use: Application as water, vapor and acid proofing material above and below grade. Structures include clarifiers, reuse filters, headworks, aeration tanks, and effluent pump stations. Emphasis placed on wire-wound prestressed tank surfaces which after backfilling would be subject to groundwater intrusion at the exterior surface. Protection of wire by maintaining high pH on the steel and prevention of waterborne contaminants from entering the Shotcrete were considerations. Shotcrete surfaces demonstrated exceptional waterproofing qualities and a high absorption rate of the StableCrete product into the matrix. A high absorption rate (150 square feet per gallon or less) is due to a high % of Portland Cement in the matrix and a more aggressive reaction of the product. No micro-cracking or alligatoring of treated surfaces was noted before backfill operation. Red tint shows where StableCrete was applied. David B. Lee WWTP, City of Melbourne, Florida

Test for Compatibility with Impressed Cathodic Protection

Project Test for Compatibility with Impressed Cathodic Protection

Owner J.E. Bennett Consults, Inc. (440) 286-672

Contractor Jack E. Bennett

Use: Performed 70 day testing of controls and StableCrete™ applied concrete specimens. The purpose was to ensure that a dry (higher resistance) concrete does not exceed OHM-CM threshold and compatibility criteria of an impressed cathodic system. PHMs resistance proved to be within limits providing a decreased moisture condition that does not fluctuate with environmental conditions. Resistance to current flow in concrete is a major consideration to proper installation/operation of impressed cathodic systems. A waterproofed host concrete material with increased-stable resistance avoids "hot spots" that cause premature anonde consumption of a system.

Sand blast of curing compound before StableCrete is applied. Lake Washington Water Treatment Plant Expansion, Melbourne, Florida

Project Lake Washington Water Treatment Plant Expansion, Melbourne, Florida

Owner Poole & Kent Company, Mike Caulfield (321) 751-1580

Contractor CH2M Hill, Allen Bigelow (321) 254-2190

Use: StableCrete specified as waterproofing material on the exterior surface of a CT/Blending station built below the water table approximately 28' deep. The product applied after a film-forming curing compound was sandblasted from the surface. A positive test for waterproofing and acid resistance. No water penetration when de-watering pumps removed and area backfilled.

StableCrete applied after repairs prevents secondary spalling. Balcony Deck Replacement, Sunrise Condominiums, New Smyrna Beach

Project Balcony Deck Replacement, Sunrise Condominiums, New Smyrna Beach, Florida

Owner Southeast Restoration, Inc., Bill Kiper (386) 304-4200

Contractor Concorr, Inc., Ali SohanghpurwalaBill Scannell (703) 729-7955

Use: Use of Stable Crete as a curing agent/evaporation retarder on new poured 4000 psi concrete elevated decks. Far superior cure of new concrete, now totally waterproofed as well as preventing the introduction of contaminants and loss of pH at reinforcing steel.

Conselcor prescription for replace of failed steel on expansion joints. Repair to Cruise Terminals and Piers, Port Canaveral, Florida

Project Repair to Cruise Terminals and Piers, Port Canaveral, Florida

Owner Canaveral Port Authority, Ed Callahan (321) 783-7832

Contractor Gee & Jensen, Guillaune Lucci, P.E. (321) 799-1236

Use: Test and use of StableCrete "Bondex" as repair material on existing damaged concrete expansion joints, transition strips and wear surfaces exposed to large tonnage forklift and steel wheel traffic. Bondex selected over all other products as previous attempts at repairs using other cementitious products have failed Piers are 35 years plus old and have suffered the effects of a harsh saltwater environment. Surface scaling, popouts, Alkali-Silica Reaction and physical abuse had taken a toll.

Original expansion joints had been chipped away at the top corners and a repair using angle iron bolted to the concrete to form new corners was employed. Heavy traffic on the joints transferred shock to the attach bolts resulting in another failure. Angle steel was removed, surfaces treated with StableCrete and "Bondex" was utilized as a patch material to reform pier expansion joints back to the original shape. Joints were protected by 1/2 inch steel plates for 48 hours then normal traffic was allowed to the repaired areas. Over several years, this repair being successful has been repeated several times here and similar locations worldwide.

Project Adhesion and Compatibility Testing of StableCrete

Owner Tenemec Company, Inc., Kansas City, Missouri (816) 474-3400, ext. 4322

Contractor Research & Development of Tenemec Co., Mike Krosen

Use: Testing of adhesion characteristics and compatibility of concrete surfaces treated with StableCrete to Tenemec Co. products utilized in Water and Waste Water Treatment facilities. A complete line of products approved and far superior adhesion was demonstrated as well as better coverage.

Application to stabilize shotcrete prior to repaires. Grant Street Waste Water Plant, Melbourne, Florida

Project Grant Street Waste Water Plant, Melbourne, Florida

Owner Water Processing Company, Johnathon Belloit, President (904) 268-0099

Contractor Gee & Jensen, Gary Ledford, P.E. (321) 799-1236

Use: 500K gallon clarifier, new construction with efflorescence commencing in one week, StableCrete application to the entire surface after removing efflorescence and before Tenemec Company coating application. StableCrete prevented ettringite conditions as well.

StableCrete applied prevents wet-dry cycle corrosion at splash zone. Oceanfront Seawall Reconstruction, New Smyrna Beach, Florida

Project Oceanfront Seawall Reconstruction, New Smyrna Beach, Florida

Owner AAA Bobcat, Inc., Shawn Buchanan, President (407) 282-5340

Contractor United Engineering Consultants, Robert Fitzpatrick, P.E. (407) 788-8050

Use: Reconstruction of an oceanfront seawall failure during a storm. Entire seawall (600 feet) required replacement after severe corrosion in the Splash Zone Area caused a catastrophic collapse after tides breached the cap. 5’ X 20’ panels cast on site were treated with StableCrete before jetting into the sand. New waterproof seawall does not permit moisture and chlorides to enter the matrix causing corrosion cells to be formed. Splash Zone is most vulnerable due to the constant wet-dry cycle on concrete causing more aggressive corrosion on the steel. Use of StableCrete, an EPA Approved penetrating sealer also allowed a colored coating to be applied that has not burned off with alkali migrating out of the concrete compromising the bond of the coating.

Red tinted StableCrete being applied to ozone contactor tank interior. Lake Washington SWTP Phase #2 , Melbourne , Florida ~ First Application

Project Lake Washington SWTP Phase #2, Melbourne, Florida

Owner City of Melbourne Utilities

Contractor Wharton-Smith, Inc. CH2MHill Engineering, Hazen and Sawyer Engineers

Use: Phase 2 of this project for surface water improvements involves the construction of raw water intake, Ozone contactors, Ozone generator building, and associated structures. Most of these structures have been built below grade and all will be exposed to the deleterious effects of O3 (Ozone) in the water treatment process. Type IV Concrete (5500 psi) has received an application of Red Tinted StableCrete upon removal of formwork. The application is designed to waterproof all concrete structures and to prevent the harmful effects of exposure to Ozone to the concrete surfaces. The exterior application was required to prevent groundwater penetration into the matrix causing corrosion of the steel re-enforcing.

Water penetration and acid reactivity demonstrated on untreated surface. Protection of aged concrete of chlorine Contact Chambers Chlorine Contact ~ Field Acid Test

Project Protection of aged concrete of chlorine Contact Chambers Chlorine Contact

Owner Clay County Utilities, Clay County, Florida

Contractor North Florida Construction, Inc. Gee and Jensen Engineering

Use: Red Tinted StableCrete used to treat interior rehabilitated concrete surfaces of several chlorine contact chambers approximately 20 years old. Testing with water and acid is a common practice to demonstrate proper application and absorption into the concrete. This photo is a close up of the top surface of one wall. Toward the bottom, an arc is visible that is StableCete that was applied to a small area of the top surface as well as the sides in the tank. The Red color is beginning to fade out as is normal after exposure to the sun for about ten days. Notice two drops of liquid in the treated area and two above the treated area. These were placed using an eyedropper at the same time.

The untreated area above has a drop of water on the left and a drop of Hydrochloric acid to the right. The water is being readily absorbed into the concrete. The acid is producing fumes, bubbling and consuming the lime in the concrete that is typical of acid introduced to an untreated surface. The two drops within the arc on the bottom show no penetration into the concrete and no reactivity to the acid. Structures received a coating 48 hours later and will enjoy many more years of service even after the coating begins to deteriorate with age.

Project New Recycle Facility Floor Application ( 70,000 square feet)

Owner Schupan & Sons, Inc. Kalamazoo, MI

Contractor Brivar Construction Company, Brighton MI.

Use: Company has several recycling plants in operation. All plants are experiencing degradation of the concrete floors in the intake and transfer areas of their plants. Problem is acidic products in recycled containers leak onto the concrete surfaces dissolving the lime that binds the aggregate in the cement paste creating scaling, ruts, and dusting throughout the plant. StableCrete applied to a 70,000 sq. ft. area 24 hours after the concrete pour. Concrete subcontractors completed a wash of the surface and applied StableCrete using a squeegee and heavy knap rollers. The temperature remained above 32 degrees for 24 hours allowing a cure of the product, promoting moisture retention in the slab to provide for better internal hydration and cure of the entire floor. If a coating is later applied (not required) for esthetic purpose there will be no adhesion/ compatibility issues with the coating or a bond.

Project Multi-Story Parking Garage for the Lynx North and South

Owner Ponce Lighthouse Properties, Inc.

Contractor Rivermar Contracting Co., James Monahan, P.E. (386) 767-1313

Use: Stable Crete applied to top surfaces of two newly constructed parking garages to waterproof and stop chloride contamination from occurring due to constant exposure to wind-driven seawater mist settling on these structures. Without waterproofing, these surfaces absorb salts and corrosion cells are formed on steel within months of a structure being put in service. A structure as this that is not protected from moisture/contaminate intrusion will experience spalling at the Top mat of steel which is affected first and will require at least a surface repair, usually followed by a more extensive thru repair at a later date. Once chloride thresholds exceed a certain level, more aggressive measures must be undertaken if an owner expects to stop corrosion and protect the assets. This principle of early protection applies to any concrete surface in any environment.

Project Champs Sporting Goods, Westshore Mall, Tampa, Florida

Owner S.A. Kennedy Contractors, Atlanta, Georgia

Contractor Harvard, Jolly, Clees, & Toppe, St. Petersburg, Florida

Use: Application to the floor slab to retard moisture vapor emission before the installation of floor coverings.

Project Compatibility and adhesion testing

Owner Freudenberg Building Systems, Lawrence, Maine

Contractor Guenther Kerscher, Technical Director

Use: Test of several adhesives used in conjunction with Nora Rubber Flooring installations. Excellent test results and approved for use by corporate offices for use with all flooring system products manufactured by this company. The company endorses the use of ASTM 2170 as a test protocol for water vapor emissions before the installation of its products.

Project Remodel/Restoration of Freezer Warehouse, Cape Canaveral Air Force Base

Owner Whitley Construction, Don Bray (321) 784-2374

Contractor Technical Engineering & Spacelift Services, Russ Hamilton (321) 853-0962

Use: StableCrete used as curing agent for new concrete pours, to waterproof concrete at thermal breaks and to the waterproof finished floor in the re-designed freezer. Waterproofing of concrete prevents freeze-thaw damage and moisture from penetrating surrounding areas as moisture may condense on surfaces with temperature differential.

Concrete Waterproofing and Sealer