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StableCrete™ Technical Data

For detailed information on StableCrete™, please view our Technical Bulletin

Product Guide Specification

StableCrete™ Product Guide Specification data

Material Safety Data

StableCrete™ Material Safety Data

Waste Water Solutions

StableCrete™ has been applied in numerous wastewater treatment plants. Applying our product in this environment has stabilized concrete materials, eliminated costly of annual repairs and dramatically increased the life cycle of concrete structural integrity, sparing facilities catastrophic loss.

Technical Bulletin - Stabilizing Concrete Structures in Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants

Chemical Resistance

StableCrete™ makes concrete resistant to a wide number of chemicals in addition to its ability to keep moisture out, which prevents corrosion of reinforcing materials.

StableCrete™ Chemical Resistance Guide

3rd Party Testing

Conselcor and third parties have performed rigorous testing of StableCrete™.

View 3rd Party Test Results

ASTM D 3960 test for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC).

VOC ASTM D 3960 Test Results

Concrete Waterproofing and Sealer